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Optware is a software packaging and install system for embeded Linux systems. Optware has litteraly a 1000+ packages available for free download and use. 

Once the basic Optware ipkg files are installed on your system, you can us it to select frmrm the long list of optware installpackages, ipkg also downloads, unpacks and installs the packages you select for use.

Read more about Optware for different firmwares like dd-wrt and oleg here.
Also read the script itself here optware-install-for-ddwrt.txt 

In dd-wrt you can use the following command to either:
  • load the optware ipkg, to the /tmp (ram-drive) folder for testing etc. but it will disappear when you reboot your router. 
  • or first enable jffs, and move the /opt folder pointer to point at jffs, and then use the following command, typically jffs does however not have much room, as it is art of the built-in flash eeprom that is in your router. Read here for info about enabling jffs with dd-wrt.
  •  or you could attach a usb drive to your usb enabled router, and point the /opt folder to that drive which would leave you lots of space for Optware packages. Read here for info about using USB drives with dd-wrt.

The command is:

wget http://www.3iii.dk/linux/optware/optware-install-ddwrt.sh -O - | tr -d '\r' > /tmp/optware-install.sh


last edit 27-10-2008