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Welcome to the Projects page

Questions, comments etc. about these projects, can happen at my blog space

Projects Under Way: (the June PCB production is done - and testing of the PCBs is happening)

  • CNC-XYZ-keyboard - XYZ buttons for movements 0.1 - 1 - 10 - 100 mm, i each direction
    • (ver.1 is being tested - ver.2 ready and done)
  • CNC-PLC-Opto8 - Optocoupler board/module with 2x 4-channel of input Opto-couplers
    • (ver.2 ready for PCB production)
  • Breadboard Modules - several modules for use with Arduino and Breadboards
    • (ToDo: upload PCB pictures of each ver.1)
  • Lab Power supply 5x - 5x fixed voltages (3V3, 5V, 7V5, 12V, 24V) - model 5D
    • (ToDo: upload ver.3 PCB pictures, and pictures of previous (used for years) iterations)

Completed Projects:

  • ToDo


* Arduino® is a trademark of Arduino SA


start.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/29 11:50 by mralvin