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Hi, I’m MrAlvin and live in Denmark.

A father of five.

I like to make or hack stuff. I am interrested in electronics, computers and life.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Anthony says:

    Hi Alvin,

    I stumbled across your website while researching Arduino TRIAC shields, and finding none, other than your post on arduino.cc (http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,24335.0.html)

    I’m wondering if you completed that board (or pair of boards), and published anything of their design?

    Regards, Anthony.

  2. MrAlvin says:

    Hi Anthony,

    I did make a set of prototypes for the AC Triac Switches, I have some documentation and pictures here: https://labitat.dk/wiki/Arduino-AC-Shield

    I have also had some 50 PCBs made professionally for the separate AC board, and a few of them were made as kits, that people at labitat.dk could buy. I still have some PCB or kits available if you are interested.


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